Czech Architecture Yearbook 2021-2022

Architecture that inspires respect 

The UMPRUM technology centre on Mikulandská, the extension of the loggia of a panel house in Prague, and the Bořislavka Office & Shopping Centre. Projects financed from public and private funds were selected for the currently published Czech Architecture Yearbook by Ondřej Chybík, whose firm, Chybik+Kristof, boasts a number of awards, including the Design Vanguard 2019 award from the American magazine, Architectural Record. 

The Czech Architecture Yearbook is a recognised reference publication and a sought-after source of information for architects, architecture students, investors, developers and the wider public. The annual publication is compiled each year by a different author from projects realized over the past two years. 

Ahrend is proud to be a partner of the yearbook. It was at the birth of the architectural publication and this year supported it for the twenty-third time. At the book launch, Petr Hampl, General Manager of Ahrend for Central and Eastern Europe, said: “We have been involved in the promotion of Czech architecture, interior design and design since the very beginning of our company's operation. Interior design, visual arts and architecture are intrinsically related and enrich each other.” In this spirit he also praised the modern and impressive spaces of Centrum Bořislavka, in which the book launch was held. “It is a unique space where contemporary architecture and art naturally coexist,” he added. The building was designed by the Aulík Fišer architekti (AFA), and the exterior and interior include, for example, art installations by Federico Díaz, Zdenek Sendler and Lasvit.

The launch of the Czech Architecture Yearbook 2021-2022 took place on Wednesday 26.4 at Centrum Bořislavka in Prague 6, and it is now available from selected bookshops. The presentation of the book was accompanied by guided tours of Kunsthalle and UMPRUM. 

Ahrend has for many years now been a proud partner of the yearbook, which this year we are supporting for the twenty-third time.

Selection made by Ondřej Chybík

Selection criteria 

Architect Ondřej Chybík had a free hand when it came to choosing buildings. He was limited only by the total number of projects: from the original 200 he chose 32 for the yearbook. He decided to visit the individual projects during the winter months. He wanted to see them "in their nakedness", unadorned by greenery and surroundings.

He included in the Yearbook, for example, a woodland hut, Lesanka, in Stoječín, and in contrast to this, large projects such as Centrum Bořislavka in Prague and ČSOB HQ in Hradec Králové. Extremes that show the breadth of the profession and demonstrate two different worlds.

The yearbook gives slightly more space to public buildings. Behind such buildings stand mayors, politicians and gallerists who, according to Chybík, understand that architecture is a litmus test and a signal of the maturity of the construction industry. With his selection, Chybík attempted to raise the visibility of completed projects among managers in key positions in development, construction and public administration.

How has architecture changed?

Buildings often display the requirement for efficient financial management, which is currently one of the key features that must be incorporated into design in the Czech Republic.

When asked as to whether his perception of architecture had also changed, Chybík replied: "I hope that I have reached a personal degree of maturity in one important aspect. I have a much more comprehensive perception of quality, and appreciation for the work of colleagues. When I left my alma mater in Brno, I was a highly critical person. Today, I think there could be 200 projects in the yearbook. When one imagines how much commitment, energy and self-sacrifice is behind every successful work of architecture, one cannot be critical and should choose far more realized projects for the yearbook."

"I would like to see a yearbook even richer in projects in a few years." Ondřej Chybík, architect, author of the yearbook. 

Ročenka české architektury pravidelně informuje především laickou zajímající se veřejnost o situaci v oboru a přináší podněty a inspiraci. Pro zájemce ze zahraničí pak ročenka slouží jako stručný přehled soudobé české architektonické scény. Výběr 32 staveb provedl architekt Ondřej Chybík, který také publikované realizace doplnil komentáři a úvodním rozhovorem. Editor představuje čtenářům typologicky rozmanitá díla a svůj pohled na současnou tvorbu pod názvem „Konečně víc staveb za veřejné peníze!“. V další kapitole hovoří Eva Vacková s architektem a předsedou České komory architektů Janem Kaslem. Poslední kapitola přináší přehled událostí v oboru, medailony oceněných osobností, výsledky vybraných celostátních soutěží, vydané a doporučené knihy, periodika a filmy.

Vydavatel: Prostor – architektura, interiér, design, o. p. s.  

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